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Placement Drive at GCOE Jammu on 18-11-2022
GCOE Jammu Creates Happiness centres titled “CREATE”
Government College of Education, Canal Road, Jammu opened various Happiness centres titled
as “CREATE” (Creativity in Research, Exploring the Art, Transforming Education and Mental
Health and Well being) in college under the scheme “My College, My Pride”. These initiatives
have been taken by the college to provide better learning and exploring environment for the
Under the guidance and mentorship of Prof. Aekta Gupta, Principal GCOE and faculty members,
number of initiatives have been taken by the college. According to Prof. Aekta Gupta
“Happiness of the child is directly linked with academic outcomes and to improve attention,
retention of students we have to ensure mental health, safety and security of students”. NSS unit
of GCOE created Happiness Zone at college campus. Happiness Zones offers psycho-social
support to students in the post-Covid 19 pandemic scenario. Acknowledging the importance of
mental health, such zones have been created to provide safe and psychologically comfortable
space within the college premises where students can talk about their feelings and emotions
unhesitatingly and in a confidential manner. Students involved in these endeavours were Anu
Bagal, Mehak Sardalia, Rashmi, Manisha, Komal, Koushal, Digpal, Mahima, Richa Sharma,
Arushi and many more. Students displayed their talents to make the centres look creative and
positive with their paintings, floral art and craftwork.
Well decorated and comfortable Day Care Centre is also established by Government College of
Education, Jammu for providing emotional and physical support to the new mothers and their
little ones.
Meditation Room and Honesty corner is also established for the students and faculty to calm and
relax their mind after the work. “The students should be filled with self confidence and positive
thinking. They should work with honesty. And these centres will help in developing these skills
and qualities in them” said Dr. Shubhra Jamwal, NSS PO of the college.
Department of Library, leaded by Dr. Anuradha Seth also established an Open Book section for
general studies to provide better learning environment and resources for self study, competitive
exam preparation and to enhance employability.
Continuing the legacy, Dr. Jyoti Parihar, Department of Sciences, along with the students created
No Cost or Low Cost Teaching aids Corner where students Teaching aids are displayed. These
aids are low cost aids, keeping in view the relevance of these aids in the teaching learning
process as the college is a teacher education institution which trains the pre-service teachers.
College also Created Herbal Strip by the Department of EVS, headed by Dr. Shalini Sharma.
Students planted different herbs. All the staff members and students of various
These all initiatives have been taken for the upliftment of the college and to creative best place
for the students and faculty to learn and work effectively.
GCOE Celebrates Resumption of Offline Classes
NSS unit of Govt. College of Education, Jammu organized an offline event welcoming its students back to
college after a year long Covid 19 pandemic on 3 rd February, 2021 in the college premises. The program
was organized to give a fresh beginning to the studies and giving students a boost to get back on track.
The event was successfully organized by Dr. Shubhra Jamwal, NSS Programme Officer of GCOE along
with Prof. Shapia Shameem , Prof Seema , Prof Neeraj .
Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Kulwinder Kour, Principal GCOE, said that now it is time to reflect upon
the past, collaborate and come out with productive solutions to overcome the loss suffered in the
education sector by the students and the community. She launched various new training programs that
are going to be organized by the Higher Education Department such as Personality development,
Computer Education, etc in order to rekindle among the students the spirit, energy, inspiration and
motivation to revamp their abilities and nurture their potential. Prof. C L Shivgotra, Prof. Satish
Sharma and Dr. Jyoti Parihar also motivated the students to adopt the new normal and apprised
students of Covid guidelines.
The program comprised of a skit on the theme 'Effect of pandemic on Education' in which the students
portrayed how their studies were affected due to this pandemic and what all they have experienced in
the past one year. Teachers also boosted the morale of students by synergizing them with new energy
to work hard to cover up for the time lost. Students shared their experiences of the pandemic time.
The student volunteers who helped in organizing the event were: Ravinder Kumar, Priya Chivalry Singh,
Meenakshi Manhas, Neeru & Ajay Bhau.
GCOE Organizes Slogan Writing Competition on Rashtriya Ekta Diwas
NSS Unit of GCOE, Jammu organized an Online Inter-College Slogan Writing
Competition on National Unity Day or Rashtriya Ekta Diwas to celebrate to the
birth anniversary of IRON MAN of India Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel who unified the
country. The theme for the said program was, " EK BHARAT SHRESTH
BHARAT " to create an awareness among the masses to depict the unity in
diversity of India . The program was ably conducted by NSS Program Officer Dr.
Shubhra Jamwal along with committee members Prof. Shapia Shameem and
Prof. Seema kumari .
Prof. (Dr.) Kulvinder Kour, (Principal GCoE) applauded the efforts of the
NSS unit, also stressed that Unity is the most powerful weapon for a Country.
Students from various colleges of UT of Jammu and Kashmir participated
enthusiastically. Dr. Ashaq Hussain (GDC Chatroo), Prof. Satish
Sharma(Head Hindi Dept. GCoE) and Dr. Suman Charak Jamwal( Head, Dept.
of English GCW Gandhi Nagar) were the judges of the event . Winners will be
declared on college website by 2 nd November 2020.
Exploring NEP 2020”, National Conclave organized by GCOE, Jammu
Government College of Education under the patronage of Higher
Education Department of Jammu and Kashmir, UT of J&K, organizes
"National Conclave on National Education Policy (NEP)- 2020" in
collaboration with Cape Comorin Trust, India.
The program began with the welcome address by Dr. Kulvinder Kour,
Principal GCOE, Jammu. She highlighted the impact of NEP 2020 on
present Education system and focused on the need of introducing this
Education Policy, is to make India a Global Knowledge Power. Mr
Sanjeev Rana, Deputy Secretary Higher Education Department, UT of
J&K in his Presidential address, appreciated the efforts of GCOE for
taking such an initiative. He further stated that we need to make a road map
for the proper implementation of the policy.
Eminent speakers across India were invited as Resource persons. Prof
(Dr.) Ami Upadhyay, Honorable Vice Chancellor Dr Babasaheb
Ambedkar Open University, was the Chief Guest on the occasion. In her
enlightening lecture she talked about Three Language formula, Liberal
aspect of NEP, Flexibility and extensive use of Technology. Dr Kashmira
Mehta, Dean Faculty of Arts, Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh
University emphasized on the 'key aspects On NEP 2020'. Following her
Dr. Ramaniyam Meganathan, Professor, Department of English ,
NCERT, Sir Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi, deliberated on 'Knowledge,
Identity and Learner in NEP 2020'.
Prof.(Dr.) Renu Nanda, Dean Faculty of Education, University of
Jammu, and Dr. Ganga Mahto, Assistant professor Regional Institute Of
Education (NCERT) Bhopal India presented their views on 'NEP 2020: A
Milepost ' and 'Language Policy in NEP 2020 respectively. These resource
persons deliberated extensively on the policy and discuss the pertinent
point regarding to it.
The entire programme was organized by Dr. Sushma Bala (Convener)
and Dr. Shubhra Jamwal (Organizing Secretary). Mr. Ravinder Kumar,
Ms. Priya Chivalry Singh and Ms. Meenakshi Manhas, NSS Volunteers
moderated the programme. More than 150 Teachers, Students and
Academicians participated using Google meet (Virtual Platform) and entire
programme will be available on the u tube channel too.
GCOE conducts International Webinar celebrating Gandhi Jayanti
Govt. College of Education, Jammu in collaboration with Cape Comorin Club,
KanyaKumari organized an International Webinar commemorating the 151 st Birth
Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on30 th September on Google Meet platform. The
program was organized to acknowledge the outstanding work that Mahatma
Gandhi had done in his life and highlighting his teachings, ideals and his
philosophy of life. More than 100 participants actively participated .The program
was ably conducted by NSS Program Officer Dr. Shubhra Jamwal, Prof Shapia
Shameem, and Dr. R S Regin Silvest, President of Cape Comorin Club.
Prof. (Dr.) Kulvinder Kour, (Principal GCoE) congratulated everyone on the
successful organization of the event and emphasized the fact that Gandhiji could
make a difference in the world as he remained focused all through his life. He
believed in simple living and high thinking and he urged the students to do the
same. Putting forward Gandhiji’s own words: ‘My life is my message'; She also
stated that we should learn from certain personality traits from Gandhiji's life and
imbibe them in our lives for a better future.
The program included guest lectures by Eminent Speakers of the day Padma Shri
Dr. S. P. Varma, Social Worker and Peace Activist, J&K, India and Mr. Daya
Dissanayake, Author, Poet and SAARC Literary Awardee, Srilanka. Dr. Mohd.
Zubair Kales, Dr. Sushma Bala, and Prof. Seema Kumari were present on the
occasion. Program ended with a vote of thanks. Ravinder Kumar and Priya
Chivlary Singh hosted the event.
Patriotic Song and Poetry Recitation Competition organized by GCOE on the Eve of Independence Day
NSS unit of Govt. College of Education, Jammu celebrated 74th Independence Day by organizing an online Patriotic Song and Poetry Recitation Competition on zoom platform. Students expressed their patriotism through self composed poetry and by singing patriotic songs with enthusiasm and zeal. Around 50 Students participated The Program was efficiently conducted by Dr. Shubhra Jamwal, NSS program officer and compared by Mr. Ravinder Kumar Rao, and Priya Chivalry Singh(NSS Volunteer).
Principal of the college, Dr. Kulvinder Kour addressed the faculty and students with her inspirational words. She congratulated everyone on 74th Independence day and impressed upon by saying that we should take an oath today of being highly responsible and well educated citizens of tomorrow India. We should sincerely perform our duty and do work hard to get the goal and successfully lead the Democratic India. Prof. Seema Kumari, and Prof. Shapia Shameem were the judges on the occasion. Others who witnesses the said occasion were Dr. Zubair Kales, Prof. Ramzan Ali, Prof. Shalini Rana, Prof. Kashab Sharma. Ravinder Rao and Sanjeev Arya stood first and second respectively in singing competition, while Pradeep and Chanandeep stood third. In Poetry Recitation Deepika Sharma and Meenakshi Manhas clinched first and second position respectively while, Arjun Singh stood third.
NSS Students of GCOE Organize Online Teacher’s Day Extravaganza
NSS Students of GCOE, Jammu organized a surprise Online Teacher’s Day
Extravaganza for their teachers on5 th September on Zoom platform on the eve of
National Teacher’s Day. The program was organized to celebrate the contribution
of teachers in the lives of the students and to commemorate the birth anniversary of
Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.
Prof. (Dr.)KulvinderKour, (PrincipalGCoE) who was the chief guest on the
occasion, applauded the efforts of the students in making their day memorable
andwished, both the staff members and the students who are going to be
prospective future teachers,congratulations for the day. Speaking on the occasion
sheemphasized on the necessary skills that the students of B.Ed. and M.Ed. need to
inculcate to be an ideal mentor in the lives of future generation and alsostressed
upon the importance ofmotivation in this profession as it is not an easy job to
mould child’s future.
Also present on the occasion were the various staff members of GCOE Dr.
Neelam Dhar, Prof . Satish Sharma Dr. Jyoti Parihar, Dr. RajinderKour, Dr.
Mansi Sharma, Dr. ShubhraJamwal, Dr. PrabhjotKour, Dr. Sushma
Chauhan, Prof. Satish Sharma, Prof. Shalini Rana, Prof. SaritaDogra,
Prof.Rubina Yasmeen, Prof. ShapiaShameem, Prof. SeemaKumari and Prof.
Harmanmeet Kour.All the teachers were mesmerized and presented their wishes
and shared their own experiences being a teacher to help the upcoming teachers
from the college to understand their role and responsibilities.
The program was ably conducted by Ravinder Kumar. Students presented poems,
speeches and songs to embark the occasion. The performers included Preeti
Sharma, Priya Chivalry Singh, MeenakshiManhas, AditiKalhuria, Manisha Bharti,
Samel andVikasMangotra.
Cultural Exchange Programme Organized by GCoE
on International Youth Day
In another first of its kind initiative especially when the educational institutions
are closed in view of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the NSS Unit and
Red Ribbon Club of Government College of Education (GCoE) Jammu in
collaboration with Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education,
Krishnnkoil, Virudhnagar, Tamil Nadu organized National Youth Conclave for
Cultural Exchange on International Youth Day-2020.
It was a unique event as all the participants marked their presence in ethic wears
and nobody could imagine that such a wonderful cultural exchange programme can
be conducted by involving students from two extreme corners of the country that
too through virtual mode.
The programme started with the presentations from the students depicting their
respective traditional culture and cuisines. Around 100 students from the Union
Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Tamil Nadu State enthusiastically
participated in the conclave.
GCOE had launched the series of events on the occasion of International Youth
Day such as Mask designing Competition and Meme Making Competition.
“Because of closure of educational institutions organizing such an event was
almost impossible but because of joint efforts of both the institutions the event has
become possible and attractive, remarked some of the students of GCoE and
Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnnkoil, Virudhnagar,
Tamil Nadu.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Kulvinder Kour, Principal GCoE, Jammu said,
“the young people represent hope for the future. They are the most connected, the
most outspoken and the most open-minded generation the world has ever seen”,
adding “today’s youth have potential to shape the world both in the present and in
the future”.She said that cultural exchanges provide an opportunity to explore
other cultures, traditions, customs, beliefs, societies, languages and much more.
“Hence, such opportunities make you view the world with a different lens. This
provides alternative perspectives. It broadens one's horizons and increases the
tendency of acceptance”, the Principal added.
She congratulated and applauded the efforts of Dr Shubhra Jamwal, NSS
Program and Ms. Shapia Shameem , member Red Ribbon club and
encouraged them for future endeavors as well.
Dr S Rema Devi, Associate Professor and HoD English Kare and Dr K
Gurusamy, Dean School of Liberal Arts and Education Tamil Nadu also
spoke on the occasion and said, “such endeavors will be made in future also”.
It is pertinent to mention here that youth conclave is a platform to inculcate
leadership qualities in youth and inspire them to highlight their new ideas and
change the face of world. This year the theme for International Youth Day was
"Youth Engagement for Global Action"--- spotlights the ways in which the voices
and activism of young people are making a difference and moving world closer.
Press Release
Painting Exhibition
NAAC PEER team visits Govt. College of Education, Jammu
GCOE, Jammu organized free medical camp in association with JK ISM.
Govt. College of Education, Canal Road, Jammu organized Three week, 1st Orientation Program
For newly appointed College teachers of Govt. of J & K Higher Education Department.
A programme on Swach Bharat Abhiyaan organized in the college campus on the eve of Gandhi Jayanti
Teachers day celebrated in college campus
Valedictory function of 1st Orientation Program
For newly appointed College teachers of Govt. of J & K Higher Education Department.
Guest lecture on career, guidance and counseling
Celebration of Constitution day in the college
Intensive sanitation drive was organized in the college using spray /fogging
Sequence of activities organized by the NSS unit of the college
Conclusion of, Ist, Four Week, General Orientation Program of Newly Appointed College Teachers of Higher Education, Department, Govt. Of J & K 26.11.2016
Ist, Four Week, General Orientation Program of newly appointed college teachers of Higher Education, Department, Govt. of J & K of Jammu province ,from 31th of October 2016 to 26th of November, 2016 came to a conclusion today with valedictory function. The Chief Guest on the occasion was Commissioner Secretary, Higher Education, Govt. of J & K, Dr Asgar Samoon, Guests of Honour on the occasion was Director Colleges, Dr Renu Goswami and Special Guest on the occasion was Nodal Principal of Degree Colleges of Jammu Province and Principal GGM Science College, Jammu, Prof. (Dr) Ajeet Angral. Dr Asgar Samoon, in his addressed emphasized on the developments under Higher Education in Jammu and Srinagar. He also addressed that teachers as role model always show the right pathway to enlighten wisdom in the learners mind. To come to the expectation of the learners the teachers have to use the best possible teaching skills to make the various teaching subjects compatible to the learners. He appreciated the effort of the college for organizing the event and concluding it with success. Thereafter, Dr Ritu Dewan, Dr Chetan Sharma, Dr Rashu Sharma and Dr Rippy Bawa, who were participants in the general orientation course presented a brief report of the four week long program. They also had high level of appreciation for all the resource persons who delivered such informative lectures on various fields. On this Valedictory event ‘Magazine of the College-“ The Teacher” was released by the eminent dignitaries. At the end certificates were given to the participants. The overall comparing of the program was done by Ms Arti, student of the college. Professors of the college who was present in the occasion were Prof. Anju Bala, Dr Raj Singh Narania, Dr Anil Verma, Prof Babulal Thakur, Prof. Satish Sharma, Prof. Sindu Kapoor, Prof. Sunita Gupta, Dr Piyali Arora, Prof. Ashu Jolly and Prof. Deep Bangotra. At the end formal, vote of thanks was presented by Prof. C.L Shivgotra, Course Coordinator.
Earlier, NSS unit of the college under the guidance of NSS Program Officer Prof. Ashu Jolly observed Indian Constitution Day. The students of the college presented a colourful bonanza though variety of programs which was ornamented with patriotic songs by Mr Jsspreet and Ms Sulakshana, Interesteng facts about Constititutn of India by Ms Sonika, Poem by Ms Greety Mahajan, Speech on Indian Constitution by Mr Ankush Raina. They also displayed colourful posters.
21 days workshop on computer literacy commenced at Govt. College of Education |
Glimpses of the Recently concluded National Seminar on 18th and 19th April, 2015 |
 Hon’ble Minister of State for Information, Education and Culture Ms. Priya Sethi releasing Souvenir of Two Day National Seminar on the theme “Challenges to Teacher Education in the new Millennium “held on 18th and 19th April, 2015. |
 Participants of National Seminar for a group photograph. |
 Participants attending one of the Technical sessions |
 Prof.(Dr.) N.K Dash, Director School Education, IGNOU, New Delhi and Prof. R.S Yadav from Department of Education, Kurukshetra University, Haryana chairing one of the Technical sessions of the Seminar. |
 Principal of the College Prof.(Dr.)Ajeet Angral giving token of respect to Prof. T.A Kawoosa , Director Colleges, Higher Education Department in the presence of Hon’ble Minister of State for Information, Education and Culture Ms. Priya Sethi . |
 Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, University of Jammu Prof.(Dr.) R.D Sharma inaugurating the Two Day National Seminar on the theme “Challenges to Teacher Education in the new Millennium “held on 18th and 19th April, 2015. |
 Prof.(Dr.) N.K Dash, Director School Education, IGNOU, New Delhi delivering the Key Note Address |
 A Participant having a serious look on the Program Schedule of the seminar.
NSS Volunteers visits Balniketan orphan home 16.02.2015
In continuation to ongoing 10 days NSS special camp organized by the NSS unit of Govt. College of Education, on the 5th day of the program a visit was conducted to orphan home ‘Ved Mandir Balniketan, Amphala, Jammu. The objective of the visit was to interact and spend some moments of joy and happiness with the inmates who are being looked after by the management of Ved Mandir Bal Niketan Sanstha Amphalla in all respect. The visiting NSS volunteers presented variety of program of song, poem, moral based stories, etc. Children of the institution also impressed all by putting up a beautiful bonanza of song, dance, poetry and various items. NSS volunteers along with NSS program officer Prof. Ashu Jolly and convener Red Ribbon Club Dr Piyali Arora accompanied the NSS volunteers and congratulated them for their zeal and enthusiasm towards their social concern. NSS volunteer also prepared a detail report of the visit. Shri Satish Pal Gupta, secretary of the institution interacted with the NSS volunteers and shared his experience and ideology behind running the organization. He also appreciated the efforts and concern of the NSS volunteers towards society. Principal of the college Prof. (Dr) Ajeet Angral adviced that through such interaction students learn to be committed towards the social upliftment & welfare and value such wonderful gift of God. He further expressed that NSS volunteers can play immense role of support for the educational upliftment of these children. |
Academic council of college organized inter college competition on Low cost No Cost teaching aids under the series of programmes and activities being organized under centrally sponsored schemes of Teacher Education of the ministry of HRD through Department of School Education, govt. of J&K. 15 teams of students led by their respected teachers participated in the programme. The main focus of the program was to train the teacher and enhance their capacity building in making the teaching learning process result oriented through self explanatory teaching aids. Prof. (Dr.) Lokesh Verma, Retd. H.O.D Deptt. of Education, University of Jammu, Prof.(Dr.) B.L Koul, Biologist and well known environmentalist and Prof. (Dr.) Kaushal Smotra, Principal GDC Reasi were the jury members.
Team consisting of Ms. Satnam Kour and Ms. Bhoomika of govt. college of education stood first while second and third prizes were awarded to team consisting of Ms. Gaganpreet Kour and Mr. Rohit Sharma of Khalsa College of Education and Ms. Ankita Verma and Ms. Suman Sharma of JK college of Education respectively. The prizes to the winning teams and certificates to all the teams were distributed by the Hon’ble judges on this occasion.
Earlier the jury members and teams from different colleges were received by the reception committee. Prof. (Dr.) Ajeet Angral, Principal of the college appreciated the efforts of the organizing committee and over whelming response of the colleges of education in participation of today’s programme.
The key note address in brief with focus on aim and objective of this programme was presented by Prof. Anju Bala while vote of thanks was given by Dr. Rajinder Kour. The proceedings of the programme was conducted by Ms. Neerja and Ms. Preeti. |
One day long Mega display your talent contest was held today in the premises of the Govt. College of Education, Jammu. The NSS unit of the college organized competitions under different categories such as slogan writing, flower arrangement, rangoli and poster making. A symposium was also organized in the second session on the topic “The role of NSS in prevailing social era”. Inspite of bad weather there was a overwhelming response for various Colleges of Jammu for the participation in all the activities.
Prof. Keshav Sharma, Controller of Examination, University of Jammu was the chief guest on the occasion. Prof. Sharma appreciated the presentations of all the participants and took whole hearted interest in the entire proceedings of the programme and advised the students to continue with same zeal and enthusiasm for the betterment of the society.
The chief guest in his speech congratulated all the participants and appreciated them for their zeal and enthusiasm towards bringing changes in society and open eyes of one and all to fight social evils.
Prof. (Dr) Ajeet Angral, Principal of the college appreciated the efforts of the staff and students in general and NSS programme officer and volunteers in particular in making this program a big success as a part of the various ongoing activities of the college. He asked the students to be practical with all honesty and dedication to serve the community and also to be responsible citizen of India.
In the category of symposium Govt. College of Education, Jammu bagged 1st prize , MIER college of Education bagged 2nd prize and Dogra college of Education bagged 3rd prize.
In Flower arrangement category Govt. College of Education bagged 1st prize , Khalsa College of Education bagged 2nd prize and Harvard College of Education bagged 3rd prize,
In Slogan writing category MIER College of Education bagged 1st prize , JK College of Education bagged 2nd prize and KC College of Education bagged 3rd prize,
In Poster making category MIER College of Education bagged 1st prize, Govt. College of Education, Jammu bagged 2nd prize and Khalsa college of Education bagged 3rd prize.
In Rangoli making Khalsa college of Education bagged 1st prize, MIER College of Education bagged 2nd prize and Harvard College of Education bagged 3rd prize.
All these competitions were adjudged by the jury members consisting of Prof Ramanandan, Department of Buddhist Studies, University of Jammu, Prof. Ram Singh, NSS Program Officer, Govt. Degree College Boys, Kathua and Ms.Shashi Prabha Thapa, H.O.D DIET, Jammu.
The key note address was presented by Prof. ashu Jolly, NSS program officer of the college, vote of thanks by Prof.(Dr.) Piyali Arora while the comparing was done by Ms Nirja Sharma and Ms Tanzeel students of the college. The powerpoint presentation depicting the various activities of the college was screened by Prof. Deep Kumar Bangotra, HoD Computer Science.
In the end delicious food cooked and served by the students themselves on the desi chullah’s with fire wood collected by them and served on traditional ‘dunas’ and ‘pattals’ was enjoyed by one and all. |
Govt. College of Education organizes program on SVEEP.
The SVEEP Campaign Club of the college organizes SVEEP campaign program today in the college. Shri Ajeet Kumar Sahu, honourable District Development Commissioner Jammu, was the chief guest on the occasion. A series of program began with plantation of sapling in the college compound followed by, oath in which staff and students of the college took pledge to cast their vote without any fear and consideration of cast creed and colour and also to motivate family members, relative, friends and public in large to have ‘ Sath Parisath’ voting in the Assembly Election. The pledge was led by honourable Deputy Commissioner, Jammu.
While addressing the students Sri Ajeet Kumar Sahu, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, spoke in length about the significance of voting in strengthening the democracy and also explained various steps being taken by the district administration for motivating the voters and also various facilities provided by the administration to facilitate the voters in the process.
The second phase of the program commenced with a seminar on the topic ‘ The life of democracy lies in the power of voting’, in which twelve participants presented papers which were adjudged by jury members comprising of Prof. (Dr) C.L. Shivgotra, Prof. (Dr) Md Zubair, Prof. B.L. Thakur.
The prizes to the winners, Ms. Komal Kotwal bagged 1st prize, Ms Akriti Sharma bagged 2nd prize and 3rd prize was bagged by Ms Monika Sharma, were distributed by the chief guest.
Earlier, the Chief guest was welcomed by Prof. (Dr) Ajeet Angral, Principal of the college, who also assured the honourable Chief guest that the staff and students will leave no stone unturned in making SVEEP a big success.
Others who graced the occasssion were Shri. Naresh Kumar, R.O. Jammu west, Shri Farooq Khan, A.R.O. Jammu west and Shri Mohinder Singh, Principal, DIET, Jammu.
The oath was administered by Prof. (Dr) Raj Singh and Prof. Baljinder Kour. The program was compared by Prof. Ashu Jolly, NSS Program Officer, while the vote of thanks was presented by Prof. (Dr) Piyali Arora.
Symposium on “Environmental Issues; concerns and Solutions” held at Govt. College of Education, JammuNational education day celebrated in Govt. College of Education.
ECO CLUB of Govt. College of Education organizes a symposium on the Topic “Environmental Issues; concerns and Solutions” on 20th November 2014.
Principal of the College Prof.(Dr.)Ajeet Angral presented the welcome address. Director School Education Jammu Jenab Rashid Azam Inqualabi Sahab was the chief Guest on this occasion. Shri Mohinder Singh,Principal DIET was the guest of honour.
While speaking on the occasion Jenab Inqualabi Sahab focussed on the role of the youth in spreading the message of care and saving the environment. He appreciated the quality of presentations made by the students. The Principal of the college Prof.(Dr.)Ajeet Angral ,on the occasion said that a coordinated effort by the college of education, Jammu with school education department will be made to promote the message of education for environment.
15 students participated in the symposium & Priyanka, Monika & Chitter Lekha were adjusted I,II & III respectively by the panel of judges comprising of Prof.Anju Bala ,Dr.Raj Singh Narania & Dr.Rupinder Kour .
The Chief Guest spoke on the occasion & encouraged the students. Proceedings of the Programme were conducted by Prof. Harmanmeet Kour and vote of thanks was presented by Dr.Jyoti Parihar .
Others who attended the program are Prof. C.L Shivgotra, Prof. Zubair Kales, Prof. Sunita Gupta, Prof. Mahesh Sharma, Prof.(Dr) Piyali Arora, Prof. Radhika, Prof. Mansi and Prof. Deep Kumar Bangotra. |
National education day celebrated in Govt. College of Education.
The nation today on (11 th November) is celebrating 'national education day' and observing the birthday of Abdul Kalam Azad.The M.Ed deptt. of Govt. College of Education observed this day holding a seminar focussing on the different issues pertaining to the prevailing system of education. During addressing the students Prof (Dr) Ajeet Angral, principal of the college hilighted the contribution of Maulana Azad as a great contributer in the development of education system in the country after independence. He was the first education minister of the country, a great visionary, missionary, an intellectual, powerful writer and a great orator.Students of the college made impressive presentation on different issues confronted by the current education senario. Welcome address was given by Dr Raj Singh, head of the department, while program was compared by Dr Piyali Arora. On the occassion Dr Md. Zubair, Dr Rupinder Kaur, Prof. C.L. Shivgotra and Dr Neelam Dhar, acted as observer and gave their valuable suggestion. The entire program was followed by an inreractive session in which number of quaries were addressed by senior faculty members. |
NSS Foundation day was celebrated in the college, under the leadership of the college Principal Dr (Prof) Ajeet Angral, to inculcate the spirit of National Service among the young stars. In the function the college students presented various cultural activities including poetry, life experiences, ghazals and shayari. Worthy Principal of the college highlighted through his speech the importance of ‘We’ feeling , national integration and work endeavor at ‘all walks of life’ and society. Prof C.L. Shivgotra senior professor of the college spoke during the event on National Service and selfless volunteership. At the end Asstt. Prof. Ashu Jolly, College NSS Coordinator addressed the group regarding NSS working agenda and formally gave vote of thanks to all.
Plantation drive organised by the eco club of the college |
Plantation drive organised by the eco club of the college |