The Library is subscribing to various magazines and daily newspapers. In this electronic era the library has also subscribed e-journals through N-List (National library and information services infrastructure of scholarly content. Under this project the college faculty has been provided the username and password to access the e-journals on database of N-List project. The library has also signed MoU with DELNET and accessing their database too. Other online services include NDLI and Shodh Sindhu.
SESSION 2024-2025
LIST of Magazines
List of Newspapers
List of Print Journals
- University News
- Indian Journal of Education and Information Studies
- International Journal of English Research
- International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education and Research
- International Journal of Teacher Education and Teaching
- Indian Journal of Vocational and Technical Education
- Journal of Education Planning and Administration
- MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends and Practices
Annual Expenditure of Print Journals: Rs.26,389.00
E-Resources Through:
1. N-List: Rs. 5900.00 per annum
2. DELNET: Rs.19,470.00 Membership
3. 3. E-books: Rs. 131171.00(No of e-books15)